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100px-Frenzy (1).png

Sneak: Attacks ignore Smackback & "when hit" effects


Target Leader: Always targets the enemy leader


Sponge: When     'd restore equal instead


Potential: Can be ascended somehow...


Pincer: Hits the closest & furthest targets in the row


Unhealable: Cannot be healed


Wash: Remove all applied effects


Limit: Limit gets reduced by 1 on use, card is consumed when limit runs out


Wrath: Gain     on kill


Feral: When a Wild unit is killed, Gain 1x     . And lose 1 Feral. On trigger lose 1 Feral


Bankrupt: When killed, active combos give 3 less


Gift: When killed apply 1      to the attacker


Enhanced+10     , +2     , and statuses/effects are increased by 1


Curiosity: When hit, move forward by 1 slot


Rbbish: This keyword dose nothing on its own :)


Reflexive: After the first hit in a turn, target a random target in a row

frost down.png


Effects cannot be reduced

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